Tuesday, June 30, 2009

thing # 7 cool tools

You are right! There are some cool tools in there. I have used google earth before; I think it is neat to be able to see what things really look like. I searched my house, the house where I grew up and some of the places we have visited on our travels.
I set a google calendar. I found this to be very easy to use, especially when setting up events that occur over a number of different days; you just tell the time period and it does it; very cool. I like the idea of it giving me alerts as to when the events will happen. I think this will be very beneficial. I also like the idea that I can set up my volleyball schedule and have the public be able to access it along with a map to the location. This will be great help to me as a coach. I did not find anything special with the photo album. I have used the search engine for many years so am very familiar with it. I like the idea of being able to search for particular formats, such as PowerPoint. This is a time-saving device that all teachers can use.
I found the docs to be very useful. I am always on the look-out for pre-made documents that make my life easier. There are many here to choose from. I can see me using the templates; the tournament bracket maker (always helpful); the runner log and others in my P.E. class. I especially like the weight training template; check it out! http://docs.google.com/previewtemplate?id=0As3tAuweYU9QcHlVM3hrY2tocEkwaTllODFOblB2SWc&mode=public

Thing #6 mashups

The mashups are great. The mappr is a good tool to help a student organize their personal experiences with family or friends. They get a bigger picture of their world. The pickr is cool if you have an artistic student who has an interest in the more artful side of self expression. The mosaic site is great for students to create a collage of photos to express their hobbies, families, or dreams. And the trading cards gives students a cool way to create a single tool of self expression and identification.
The mosaic took a long time to do. The photos are from our vacation to Yosemite. The problem was that my photos would not show up in the mosaic maker so I had to look at the numbers, go back and match them up from another program, and then choose the numbers that I wanted; this took a long time. Another problem was; once you chose a photo, you could not edit it or move in around. I had to go back and delete it and re-upload it in the position I wanted.

thing # 5 flicker

Hurdle your dreams, interest or fears. Never settle for doing nothing.
I thought flickr was a great website but to load a picture to add to my blog, the site was not easy for that function. Even when I saved a photo as a jpeg, it appeared blank in my folder I saved it to.
In my class environment it would be useful if your students had pictures to enhance an exercise log.

thing #4

I believe I finally got this thing figured out. I am registered, published and have my avitar saved and hopefully viewable. I am ready to begin my journey through the techno-world.

Thing 2: 7 Habits

Synergize comes naturally to me so I guess that is the easiest of the 7 habits. I have a nack to problem solve and conflict resolution. Which also falls under the task of" Seek to understand before being understood". Some situations in life, that is a task that you have to utilize to be successful. I am proactive when I can stop a minute and look at what is the "begin with the end in mind" on whatever is going on.
Probably the most neglected by me for myself is the " Sharpen the Saw".

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thing #3 setting up blog

This was a blast. Mostly because my husband helped me. Bless that man. It is fun to make up pictures of yourself. Wishing you really did look like that. LOL
I made my Avatar on the beach with shorts, tank top and smiles because that is what I am all about. Fun in the sun.
My blog title Hawks Rule came from my school, which I love with all my heart. We are the HAWKS and so proud of that!!!!!!!! GO HAWKS. Can you tell I am a coach???
Any how. I registered which states I am finished with Thing #2 too. Yeah. All in one day.
Since my husband is the English major and I am not, I am afraid you all may enjoy reading his blog much more than mine. Later, I'll tell you his blog title so you can compare us.

Tuesday; first entry

Yipee! I did it; I created a blog. Now what?