Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thing #23 FINISHED!!!!! YEAH

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
I like the avitar and photostory a lot. I liked most of the skills really

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
I like the do at home style the most. I like the fun you all have put in the project that makes learning, or adding to, our technological skills applicable to our lives and professions. You all did a great job teaching us in a fun, no stress fashion. Right up my alley.

3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I see that the photostory 1 skill as one I will use personally and perhaps professionally.

4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
There are a couple Things like #20 I think that the method to download to copy/paste html codes for the youtube/teachtube could be clearer. That one comes to mind. FLICKER isn't that easy and doing the picture collage was not easy. I had to have my husband help me.

5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?
Sure. I like the at your own pace style and timeline to complete. MY Style of learning on my own time.

6. How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities?

Thing # 22

I viewed all 5 of the Nings samples. I am not into that kind of networking, branching out to specific themes or topics. I have a facebook account and I do enjoy reading everyones posts. I don't play the games, do contest, or send gifts on facebook. I am not that kind of a downtime person. I just like reading up on everyones day and posting stuff about my day and viewing some peoples photos that post. It is pure social, leisure entertainment to me. I have some friends that play all kinds of games offered by facebook. That bores me...weird I know but I have no interest in devoting my time. I don't play video games either. Bet you're not surprised...right.!? On that note, I can see the value to use a NING for a class as a network project to design a site, post views, post links and updates as a sort of network research project that will have a value to them and continue to grow as they grow if they choose to keep it up and running. That would be cool.
SO in conclusion. I liked it and see that students would love to use their tech skills and knowledge to design and activate a social network page for themselves. They would love it and do it with great ease I am sure.

Thing #21 Photostory of our hike in the Yosemite Giant Sequoias Grove

This was a fun THING to do. It does take a lot of time in some respects. I enjoyed making the video story from our trip last summer to California. I felt the instructions were clear and easy to follow. I know of a lot of teachers who use this to post end of session activities with classes and projects. Photo story is great I loved it.

Thing #20 teachertube Fitness Video

I don't know what I did actually to get the video. The instructions to embed are horrible and I don't know what I am suppose to do. I think that Library 23 could do a better job at designing a insert spot or better link instructions. Just a thought, don't mean to sound critical. I did do a gadget link to video on video bar which you can click on. I couldnt get the one I wanted though, but I consider it a finished skill that I have a video. I did a HMLT link from the gadget to try and get my exercise physiolgy teachertube video on my blog. It isn't really working well. I'll try and play with it later.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thing #19 Web 2.0 awards list

At first I looked and thought what in the world is this. Then I started clicking on the links. It is useful. The first thing that drew my attention was the sports category. I like the istat. I can see using that in my PE class/weight training class. It can be benefical in tracking their progress. We would need time to access computers with our tight time line and pressure for students to be active 80% of their classroom time. Crazy isn't it. Teaching isn't really teaching fitness. but that is another conversation. The teamsnap is not a site for middle school sports; it is more for little league. We have numerous websites, including a district site, that does the same thing. The gympost has some good videos for people who are new to training.I was attracted to the cocktail builder site; always good to find something new and refreshing. I might try a few this afternoon, since it is summertime.Looking through the food category, I did not find anything as good as food network .com. I still like mapquest when making travel plans. They have added a google earth feature to mapquest which makes it very cool.All in all, I like the web page and will go back and search some of the other tools when I have more time. It is a very good resource.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thing #18. On line productivity Tool

This thing #18 is interesting. The was neat. I gazed through it and thought the lay out was visually easy to follow. I am a regular Microsoft Word user and understand that process pretty well. I hate having to figure out a new system because time is important when you have a short off period. If I had a project that required specialty work I may take the time to research the tools better to see if the site, since it is on our laptops, had better tools to accomplish my goal. The Google Docs was ok. I was signed in when I clicked on it but I wasn't going to download or open stuff. I looked at the business card option since I would like to design a new business card for myself. That was pretty cool.

Thing #17

I made a rollyo for my personal interest which are home improvement, cooking and projects. It is boring to always be making something for school when in fact, our enthusiasm for teaching comes from our own personal enthusiasm for life. I am me and I am a teacher. So my personal interest inspire me.
my rollyo is called Brenda's Interest. I clicked on to set up a link to my blog. Don't know if it worked because I can't see it while I am writing you.
My tag words are home improvement, food, recipes, projects.

Thing #16

I can see using this in my Health Fitness if we had methods to use it in groups to teach health lessons in class. It would be good because you could see who is doing what work and when. I could use this as one of the suggestions state about doing group discovery on health and fitness news and issues. It would be a truly collaborative effort. I could also see using it teaching how to set up a game or teams or as a tool to have student design a new game. I also liked the idea of collaborative note-taking. The top ten list could also be something I could use. I thought the WIKI was fantastic for personal use. The illustration video by COMMONCAST was simplistic and easy to understand the value of a wiki. I really liked it. I posted a comment in the sandbox. (I guess that is what we are suppose to do.) Thank you and it was fun.

Thing #15

I remember having to learn the Dewy Decimal system and how to find a book by the author's name or my the books title. I went to school in the 60's and 70's. My first experience with technology was a punch card computer with basic language in the office of my physics class. I didn't undertand it and wasn't interested in understanding. The library of my youth is long since gone; a place of quiet solitude; a place where I used to go to for story telling sessions; a place that smelled of dusty, moldy books and and file cards where the only words heard were "shhhhh!". Students today understand quickly all of the latest technology to help them succeed. The days of doing research cards and the like are long gone. I doubt if there is a college student out there that does a research paper the way that many teachers are still teaching them (note cards etc.) I still remember carrying home arm-loads of books. I think that teaching students to look up items and write them down teaches them that learning comes in many fashions and methods. Many of the "things" that we have done so far are of great value. I don't have the classroom environment to utilize them though. I know in my heart that the students core teachers are passing on these tools to them and that is what matters.To keep up with this ever-changing technology, exercises like this are extremely valuable. We need more hands on tasks such as this to help us along the way. The problem that I see is a lack of computer access and a lack of people who are knowledgeable enough to get this information across to the students. After reading the five perspectives on Library 2.0 and viewing the vidoe on Web2.0 I find that it is important to understand the past and embrace the future of learning.